Dental Implants
Tooth loss can be a distressing experience,often resulting in chewing difficulties and a loss of self-confidence. However dental implants can fill these gaps,returning the strength,function and beauty to your smile.
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium. Through a minor surgery, these metal posts are secured into the jawbone , much like a natural tooth root. The post is then covered with a crown that matches the colour of the surrounding teeth.
Benefits of Dental Implants:
There are many benefits to dental implants, aside from their natural-looking aesthetic appearance. For instance since they are permanently fixed into the bone,dental implants provide support to the jaw and act as a pkace holder, preventing the surrounding teeth from moving or repositioning themselves.
Dental implants also keep the bone and tissues from deteriorating over time. Deterioration of the jaw bone typically makes the face look older, but with dental implants this can mostly be avoided.
Preserving good health through better nutrition: as you'll have the ability to chew better and have all kinds of food including fresh vegetables and fruit.
Dental implants also replaces the use of removable dentures as when crowns and bridges are permanently fixed to implants, they soon act as your own teeth, also the feeling of confidence is improved as people using removable dentures always worry that the dentures may fall 

while laughing , sneezing , or coughing but from the moment the implants are placed in the bone and the crowns are luted on them, you won't have to worry anymore about falling dentures.
So you can conclude now that dental implants are a comfortable , durable , and aesthetic option for filling gaps left by missing teeth , or replacing removable dentures by full mouth reconstruction.